In my
last post I wrote about spending time in Seattle with a good friend. This was possible only because my husband is truly amazing and was willing to be on Maria duty 24/7 while I was gone. No mean feat for someone who likes to sleep in since Maria often wakes up at 5:30am and won't go back to sleep until it's time for her afternoon nap!
Shortly before I left for Seattle Mark was getting Maria ready for bed. I came in to kiss her goodnight when I noticed something was wrong... VERY wrong. It was so wrong and so funny that I took a couple of pictures. See if you can figure out what was wrong!
is her shirt on upside-down?
Yep! Not inside-out or backwards, but upside-down!!! Mark continues to surprise and amaze me after 4 years of marriage. I've discovered that in areas where he's competent (i.e. physics, computers), he's a marvel to listen to or watch. But in areas where he's not so competent (i.e. little girl clothing), he's absolutely astounding in his incompetence! Mark doesn't do things half way and it's one of the things I love about him!
Anthony seems to think this must be a design flaw with the shirt...
Probably it is... the neck hole is awfully large. But I'm not sure which came first!
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