Yep, that's how old she is on this very special day when she is WALKING! On her own! Not holding anyone's finger! As you can see from the pictures, she's VERY pleased with herself and so is her mommy! I was truly worried she still wouldn't be walking at her 18 month appointment and that her pediatrician would be trying to break it to me gently that she needed physical therapy. Huge twin sighs of relief and joy!

In case you're wondering why the comforter from our bed is on the living room floor, here's the story. For the past couple of weeks Maria has been enjoying attempting to walk on our bed in the mornings as her tired parents try and get a few more minutes of shut eye. I think the appeal is that it's soft and so falling doesn't hurt. She sits between us, pulls up to standing and then bounces or maybe takes a step or two before collapsing in a giggling heap. Since she frequently falls on Daddy or Mommy, we've been joking that she's perfecting some new wrestling moves like the "Dupa Drop" (If you don't know what a dupa is, go find someone of Polish descent and they'll enlighten you!).

Today she wanted to walk around on the bed in the middle of the day but I figured with just one parent the chance that she'd fall off the bed was just too high. So I brought the pillows and comforter down to the living room floor and make a sort of bed-like environment, supplemented with pillows from the couches. And it worked spectacularly well! Maria must have decided that falling down on the comforter in the living room wouldn't hurt too badly and she just took off walking and walking and walking. She went to bed early tonight!
1 comment:
Sue, how genius of you to try the comforter idea! And good for Maria for walking when she was ready!! I'm excited for you guys. Huzzah!!! (This is Jaime, not Andy Forbes. Somehow, he is logged in here. Oops!)
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