A friend had a girl in December. Before her daughter arrived, she went shopping for clothes and was dismayed to find that practically all girl oriented baby clothes were pink! I definitely felt her pain and said if I had a girl I definitely wouldn't want to dress her in pink either. Though I haven't gone to high end children's clothing stores, I hear they have a better selection of non-pink girl's clothes and better gender neutral clothes as well.
Then Maria arrived and somehow things changed. Maybe I was overcome by the cute rays or something, but the first time I went shopping for clothes for her I bought all pink clothes! Every morning I look in her closet and try to find the cutest outfit I can for her to wear, and yes, I often come up with something pink. I comfort myself with the thought that at least all these dresses aren't preventing her from climbing trees or anything like that. She can't even roll over yet! Even so, I'm left with the vague feeling that I've sold out on my tom boy roots. Maybe when she gets a little older and decides to rebel she'll ditch the pink and go for tree-climbing-digging-in-the-mud garb.
As a side note, my sister Monica remembers the demise of the Barbie doll slightly differently. She recalls actively hating dolls and that we actually sawed off the limbs using the vice on the little work bench our dad made for us! It's a miracle none of us have become mass murderers! Between the three of us we hold advanced degrees in physics, mathematics and electrical engineering... a hopefully more constructive channeling of our energies!
Actually, I think the Barbie head ended up in the gerbil cage and they made a nest out of her hair.
Are you serious!?! The apocrypha about the final resting place of the Barbie head grows every day! I will have to ask mom and see if she remembers.
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