So at 1:55pm I grabbed my bible and the baby monitor (thankfully a long distance one!) and started slowly walking toward the neighbor's house. Though the static increased, the monitor didn't start making angry out-of-range beeps until I reached Kathy's front porch. I walked inside and the monitor sometimes had contact and sometimes didn't. I was absolutely determined to make this crazy idea of mine work and so eventually located a particular spot on the banister of the stairs in the living room where there was reception. With a little help from some tape, the monitor stayed in contact and I stayed at the study until 3:30 when I heard happy, wakeful noises coming from the monitor. I ran back home, changed Maria's diaper and we both came back for the tail end of the study!

So yes, I left my baby at home, ALONE for over an hour! Thankfully I'm not Brittany Spears because the paparazzi would be all over this, not to mention DCFS. When I told this story to a fellow mom and understanding friend, she said "you won't win any Mom of the Year awards for that one!" She explained that this was a compliment and that her husband used this phrase to describe sanity-saving but unorthodox methods of caring for one's child. I totally love the phrase and have decided to chronicle some of these non-Mom-of-the-Year moments!
To top that episode, this weekend Mark, Maria and I went to Chicago to spend the weekend with a dear friend from Seattle, Alicia. We had a great afternoon walking along the waterfront, enjoying the warm October day. As evening drew near, Maria became fussy so we headed back to the Westin on Michigan Avenue (thank you, Priceline!) to put Maria to sleep.

The plan was for Mark to stay with Maria while Alicia and I went out on the town. As you can imagine, staying in a hotel room with a sleeping baby is far from exciting. Maria needs darkness and silence to sleep and she goes to sleep around 7pm, nixing all hope of TV-watching, book reading and the like. While we were unpacking and getting Maria ready for bed, I noticed that the closet was a fairly good size. Upon closer inspection, I discovered our pack-n-play (Maria's travel bed) did indeed fit in the closet!
To make a long story short, I left my baby in a closet (a 4 star closet, mind you!) while I went out on the town for some serious shopping and a scrumptious dessert with a dear friend! Mark was in the hotel room so we didn't leave her alone, but she did sleep in the closet all night! I have to admit I'd do it again in a heartbeat! And yes, I do know how lucky I am to have such an awesome husband!